Dr. Walid Phares's web site: http://www.walidphares.com/

New Political Analysis from Dr. Walid Phares
Mom's Day: a reminder of the Unbreakable Love. By: Dr. Walid Phares 11/05/09

DR. Walid Phares comment on Beirut bombing reports/ Written by Mideastwire, CRNews/ January 17/08
Hezbollah's Billion Petrodollars. By: Walid Phares. January 11/08

Hezbollah's Billion Petrodollars. By: Walid Phares. January 11/08
Iran's plan for Iraq.By Walid Phares,World Defense Review - USA. September 5/07
A "brave little force" defeats an al Qaeda Stronghold  By: Dr. Walid Phares. September 3/07
Dr. Walid Phares To Al Mustaqbal Newspaper Arabic/English: The so-called consensus President Will tactically execute what Hezbollah strategically wants. September 3, 2007

مقابلة بالصوت مع الدكتور وليد فارس/أجراها الياس بجاني/إضغط هنا للإستماع للمقابلة التي ممدتها 30 دقيقة
الدكتور فارس للمنسقية: ما يقوم به حزب الله ليس له أية علاقة بالديموقراطية، بل هو عمل عسكري انقلابي/هو ينقذ أوامر ايرانية بالإنقضاض على حكومة السنيورة والسيطرة على البلاد وحكمها/ هناك احتمال قيام الحزب باغتيال أحد حلفائه لتبرير تحركه العسكري/حزب الله جيش إيراني نظامي في لبنان وقراره في طهران/ دول العالم الحر مدركة لأهداف حزب الله الإيرانية السورية وهي تقف بجانب لبنان الحر وتدعم حكومته الشرعية/ القوانين في أميركا وكندا وباقي دول العالم الحر لا تطاول منظمات الإرهاب فقط، بل كل من يدعمها أو يتعاون معها بأي شكل من الأشكال/ أناشد مؤيدي العماد عون تحكيم ضمائرهم والبقاء في صفوف السياديين من أحرار لبنان/واجب الاغتراب اللبناني دعم حكومة السنيورة رغم كل شوائبها والوقوف بقوة في وجه الغزوة الإيرانية السورية لوطنهم الأم/في النهاية ستنتصر ثقافة المحبة السلام  في لبنان بفضل إيمان وثبات وصلابة وشجاعة أهله وتعلقهم بالحريات والديموقراطيةنص مقابلة الدكتور وليد فارس العربي/20 نيسان

Dr. Walid Phares
YEAR 2007
The cells are already here, while more are coming.  By Dr. Walid Phares. July 11/07

The Car Bomb Jihad: Is Britain seeing clearly?By: Walid Phares, Ph.D. July 2/07
The Hamas blitzkrieg. By Walid Phares. June 27/07
Lebanon, Gaza, the Broader Syro-Iranian Offensive. Dr. Walid Phares. June 22/07
Syro-Iranian massacre of Lebanese Politicians. By: Walid Phares. June 16/07
The Syrian-Jihadi highway in Lebanon. By: Walid Phares- June 3/07

Al Qaeda's New Front in Lebanon. By: Dr. Walid Phares. May 23/07

A Hezbollah Coup Attempt This Summer? By Walid Phares. July 9, 2007 07

YEAR 2006

HizbAllah's Offensive in Lebanon: Day Three. By Walid Phares 04.12.06
HizbAllah offensive in Lebanon: Day Two. By Walid Phares 0312.06
HizbAllah offensive in Lebanon: Day One. By Walid Phares 02.12.06
Crushing a Flower of the Cedar Revolution-By: Dr.Walid Phares -FrontPage magazine.com 24.11.06
Al Qaeda Wants an American Madrid. By: Dr. Walid Phares- The Washington Times - November 22, 2006
Hezbollah's offensive in Lebanon has begun. By: Dr. Walid Phares, 14.11.06
Future Terrorism: Mutant Jihads . By Walid Phares  November 01/06
A Candid Conversation With Dr. Walid Phares - The Evening Bulletin 4.5.06
LONDON'S JIHAD RAID -"Ghazwat London".By: Dr. Walid Phares 11 July 2005
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Message From Dr. Walid Phares (E): Voting Against Jihad (Part Two) 31.10.04
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Voting Against Jihad (E). By Walid Phares, PhD 29.10.04
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Hariri's Resignation, A Step Towards Syrian Isolation in Lebanon (E) 23.10.04
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Istanbul's Nightmare Returns. (E) 23/11/03
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Jihad Against Lebanese Christians (E).  22/11/03

redbul.gif (925 bytes)20 Years Since Beirut Marine Massacre 23/10/03
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New Targets for Suicide Bombers (E).  8.10.03

redbul.gif (925 bytes)Orange Jihad (English) ? 13/2/03
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The Shield and the Sword,The Syria-Iraq connection (English). 22.12.02
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Dr. Walid Phares responds to Jumblat's vengeful accusations (Arabic) 4.7.02
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A study & analysis on Patriarch Sfier's American-Canadian tour (Arabic) 16.7.01
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Letter from Dr. W. Phares to the UNESCO (English) 5.6.01
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Multi-Culturalism is Lebanon's Identity (English) 22.5.01

Phares in Arabic
Phares on Radio Iraq: "Iraqis will decide their future not their neighboring powers"
Commenting on the Baker Hamilton committee's findings, DR Walid Phares said: "Iraqis will decide their future not their neighboring powers" [ Visit Website ]
Nov 29, 2006, 19:07

Phares in Arabic
Phares to Mashreq Radio and as Siyasa: "Nasrallah has to choose between militia and democratic process"
Phares to Mashreq Radio and as Siyasa: "Nasrallah has to chose between militia and democratic process"
Nov 20, 2006, 00:01

Phares in Arabic
Phares on BBC Arabic on the Dialogue of Civilizations: "The West has many questions to Muslim intellectuals and vice versa"
Phares on BBC Arabic on the Dialogue of Civilizations: "The West has many questions to Muslim intellectuals and vice versa"
Nov 14, 2006, 02:14

Phares in Arabic
Phares to Radio Iraq: "Americans voted on Iraq without hearing Iraqi voices"
In an interview with the Free Iraq Radio, FDD Senior fellow Dr Walid Phares said:
"Obviously with the loss of Congress by the Administration, the only future possible will be discussions and negociations between the two sides on all main issues. This won't be the first time in American modern history when different parties controlled different branches of Government. There will be many areas of agreements and also other areas of difference between the two sides. However, what most experts believe is that this Congress will play a greater role in the preparation for the Presidential elections of 2008." Addressing the impact of the Iraq issue on these elections, Phares added: "Let's be clear: the voice of Iraqi intellectuals and academics was not heard in the debate that preceded elections. Millions of US citizens voted on Iraq but without hearing the voice of Iraqis. And that will certainly affect future policies on Iraq. (...)There will be pressures applied on the Administration by Congress, and on Congress by many political factions and lobbies to withdraw from Iraq faster, and in some cases voices will call for immediate pull out. But, in view of the new balance of power I don't think there will be an immediate abandonment. But the politicians of Iraq must put their utmost efforts to work with this US Congress and convince its new majority of the importance of US support to the new democracy. This is a matter Iraqis leaders haven't been successful with in the past couple years. If the latter are concerned with the return of totalitarianism to Iraq they need to work hard with the new US Congress and have their voices heard among Americans. It is not a secret that there are plans today that are different from before and may not be in the interest of pluralism and democracy in Iraq.

Asked about the Iraq study group and the ideas of former secretary of state James Baker, Phares said "there are many voices in the US and Europe supporting negotiations with the radicals. Iraqi politicians who are supportive of democracy and freedom must be attentive to this reality. If the Iraqi democratic movement has no voice in DC, some pragmatic but not necessarily attractive suggestions may well convince Congress and the Administration as a new policy in Iraq. After the last elections in the US, no one can influence the process better than the Iraqis themselves." (Listen to the interview in Arabic) [ 
Visit Website ]
Nov 9, 2006, 18:31

Phares in Arabic
Phares to BBC Arabic: "The US Democratic Congress should reach consensus with the President on Iraq, Lebanon and Iran"
Phares to BBC Arabic: "A US Democratic Congress can reach consensus with the President on Iraq, Lebanon and Iran." November 8 and 9, 2006.
Nov 8, 2006, 23:20

Op Eds
Phares Op Ed: HizbAllah's Offensive in Lebanon: Day Three
This war of ideas, launched by the “War room” in Beirut, is financed –according to leaders from the Cedars Revolution- by “huge amount of Iranian Petro-dollars.”
Dec 3, 2006, 22:49

Phares interview on SNN on Future Jihad (Part One): "One response to Terror are active Muslims resisting ideologically"
Phares interview on SNN on Jihad (Part One): "One response to Terror are active Muslims resisting ideologically" [ 
Visit Website ]
Dec 3, 2006, 19:36

(Coming) Jihad and Education: Homeland Security Today
Coming on the web site soon: Dr Walid Phares study on "Jihad and Education" published in the Homeland Security Today Journal.
Dec 3, 2006, 19:12

Phares on Radio Phoenicia: "Iran and Syria ordered HizbAllah to crumble the Lebanese Government"
Dr Walid Phares on the Phoenicia Radio on line: "Iran and Syria ordered Hezbollah to bring down the Lebanese Government. The offensive started with assassinations, followed by the summer war and finally an assault on the Seniora cabinet."
Dec 3, 2006, 17:18

Op Eds
Phares Op Ed: "HizbAllah's Offensive in Lebanon: Day Two"
In Beirut, the unarmed civil society of the country fears the worse: Being left with a democratically elected cabinet they are proud of, they feel they are facing, alone, the world’s most dangerous Terror forces: the combined power of Ahmedinijad, Assad and Nasrallah-Dec 3, 2006, 01:29

Walid Phares Blog
Phares Comment: "Response to the assassination of Pierre Gemayel: Removing Lahoud and UN Chapter 7"
On the Counter Terrorism Blog, FDD Blog and in various radio interviews: "Response to the assassination of Pierre Gemayel: Removing Lahoud and UN Chapter 7"
Nov 21, 2006, 19:32

Walid Phares Blog
Phares on CTB: "al-Muhajir's audiotape: an important salad bowl"
"From the whole speech, I begin to see that the final product is the result of two types of "material." On the one hand, the complex Jihadi jungle in the region with all the local stuff; and on the other hand Western-based (in this case American-based) Jihadist advice, relaying concepts not-native to the Iraqi Jihadists. Which explains the "salad bowl" structure of the speech and the use of alien political terms.
Nov 10, 2006, 22:45

Walid Phares Blog
Phares Comment on North Korea crisis: "The responsibility of containment includes mainly China, Russia, south Korea and Japan"
Commenting on the North Korea's crisis, Dr Walid Phares argued that "the responsibility of containment includes mainly China, Russia, south Korea and Japan." (Analysis is coming)
Oct 16, 2006, 23:16

Walid Phares Blog
Phares Blog: "Translators in National Security need to understand the language but also the linguistics of the Terrorists"

Phares Blog: "Media reports are asserting that the FBI has a shortage of translators in Arabic, Farsi and Urdu. In fact the real shortage is not in the numbers of language translators but in those experts who can understand the linguistics of the Terrorists." [ 
Visit Website ]
Oct 11, 2006, 00:39

Walid Phares Blog
Phares Blog: "What can a memo in August 2001 do after 11 years of American deep sleep"?
"What can a memo issued in August of 2001 do to wake up America which was on a deep sleep since 1990? If after two declarations of war by Bin Laden in 1996 and 1998, no US war on Terror was declared, you'd expect that a one page memo saying that planes are going to be used in attacks on the US to wake up the dormant giant? Well, when a female FBI officer rushed to alert Washington about men learning how to fly and not to land before 9/11, she had almost lost her job. I suggest for the kings of the hindsight to read Future Jihad and other similar books, before entering the arena of discussing the root causes of the War on Terror." (From radio interviews this week) [ Visit Website ]
Oct 3, 2006, 23:01


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