Message From Dr. Walid Phares
Subject: [alcoalition] Voting Against Jihad (Part Two)
Sent: October 29, 2004 5:26:12 AM
Dear friends
This is the second and last part of my essay summing up the War on Terror and in Iraq at
few days from the US elections. I tried to clarify benchmarks and equations, as a way to
enlighten my readers. I offered remarks, and they would decide who to vote for. The two
parts of the essay are being published as a white paper and summaries were submitted to a
number of publications nationwide.
Walid Phares
Walid Phares
Senator Kerry is a serious politician. He is a powerful debater with a long experience. I
can identify with him in his young years: Long haired revolutionary, not intimidated,
protesting perceived injustices. Volunteers to fight in Vietnam, then came back and fought
a political war against the U.S. intervention. He was a typical progressive leader, with a
great sense of standing for the weak and the disadvantaged.
On the wrong side of History?
In my high school and college years, I was very active in intellectual and political
struggles. Hence, I can identify with his inner-world. But, regardless of elections, I
believe he is on the wrong side of the historical moment. Although I wasn't here to judge
the popular feeling in America during the Vietnam War, I saw firsthand the
"allies" he longed for Peace with: The Baathists of Syria and Iraq, allies of
the Soviet Union, backers of the North Vietnamese Communists.
People from the once oppressed Central and Eastern Europe and immigrants from the Middle
East see history differently then Kerry's ideological inspirors. Struggling for freedom is
to stand with the workers of Lesh Valesa, follow Vaclav Havel, support the dissidents of
the Soviet Union, and understand the sufferings of the blacks in Sudan, the Kurds of Iraq,
the Christians of the Middle East and Muslim women under the Wahabis. Hence, while his
service is to be recognized on the personal level, the Vietnam Factor in Kerry's resume is
null or negative in this case.
Four months in the battlefield in Indo-China, back in the 1960s, and politically opposing
the resistance to Communist dictatorship, cannot fit with leading a war against worldwide
Jihadism in the 21st century. There is no link at all. Moreover, waging a political war
against assisting peoples under a totalitarian threat is rather problematic. People who
have experienced oppression before cannot endorse such a policy.
Peoples' instincts
Iraqi-Americans today, as well as Americans from Lebanese, Syrian, Sudanese and other
backgrounds cannot comprehend how the Senator, and particularly his intellectuals on
campuses, opposes the principle of removing Saddam Hussein, before the war, during the
war, or at anytime later. There are no arguments that can meet the horror of such a
My reading of his platform differs from others who select between two parties. I see the
good values in him and I know where he would fit in the historical order of conflicts and
struggles. Many of his slogans are excellent: his fighting against wars, corruption, and
for justice are good things, but his advisors put him against history not along side its
Because of the academic flaw produced by his elites, he finds himself against American
instincts after 9/11 and facing the hopes and dreams of most oppressed peoples in the
Middle East and beyond. The problem is so deep and complex that we can find mothers in
several spots of the underdog communities overseas, praying for the success of President
Bush, instead.
Experiencing Dictatorships
Had I been a student in Tehran, I would have voted for Senator Kerry against Khamenei. I
would have voted for him, without hesitation, if the Senator would have been running in
Syria against Bashar Assad, or in Sudan against Bashir, and even in France against Chirac.
He would have been a hero to many. Had he been calling for justice on Saudi or Chinese
campuses. Unfortunately, his potential key advisors are the architects of this
anti-historical agenda.
It is important to realize that the teams preparing for his Presidency are from the same
school which caused past disasters. The same teachers that told the Clinton Administration
that Saddam wasn't a threat and that dismissed al Qaida's threats as a myth.
Anyone who understands the nature of the Jihad threat and of totalitarian regimes would
fear a U.S. Administration, whose State Department and other agencies would be led by
those who engineered the policies of the 1990s. Unfortunately it is the fact today. I have
understood the messages coming from the various potential candidates since before the War
in Iraq. But I have waited till the very last week before informing my readers of the real
challenge ahead.
Experience against Jihad
President Bush is lesser of a debater than Senator Kerry. He may not have an equal
knowledge of world cultures than his opponent, at least by 2000. Measuring both men as
professional politicians in absolute terms would probably put Kerry ahead, but that would
be without counting reality and the choices made. One major reality, one that cannot be
changed, is the comparison of their experiences in confronting the greater enemies.
Senator Kerry fought as a Navy officer, in a mostly land war, decades ago, against a
non-Jihadist enemy, during the Cold War. And that for few months, just before he actually
opposed that war.
George Bush will have been commander-of-chief of the War from September 11 until at
least January 20, 2004. With mistakes (even if significant) aside, caused mostly by
opponents within the Administration, the President has led a War in Afghanistan against
the nest of Jihadism, declared a counter-war on al Qaida, and removed a Baa'thist regime
in Iraq that should have been defeated by his father and President Clinton
Advisors racing backward
Senator Kerry's advisors opposes the philosophy of the Patriot Act, they believe that that
removing Saddam (unless the entire world, including the other dictators decides so) was
wrong, and that international relations with regimes are more important then rescuing
innocent populations in distress.
Senator Kerry and his allies believe the anti-Jihadist Government of Iyad Allawi, and all
the civil society it represent, are "American stooges." So who represents the
Iraqi people then? al Zarqawi, al Sadr, or Saddam? The choice here is between a policy
that wants to succeed and one that doesn't.
The battle of the arguments is a clear laboratory of enlightenment.
Stay in Afghanistan?
The Kerry campaign says we should have stayed in Afghanistan until Osama Bin Laden would
have been found or killed. But would Usama play the same game with us? So if we had sent
200,000 soldiers to the mountains between Afghanistan and Pakistan that would have won the
War on Terrorism? What if Bin Laden would have simply decided to leave this huge Hannibal
Army exploring caves and valleys while al Qaida would have been hitting us elsewhere? How
can the Kerry advisors project that al Qaida will be sitting ducks for our forces beyond
Tora Bora? Have they read the thinking and tactics of al Qaida at all?
These arguments alone show that a potential Kerry foreign policy team will be defeated by
the Terrorist Network as it was in the 1990s under Clinton. Arguing about the choice of
Iraq as the next choice after Afghanistan is legitimate. Arguing for stopping at Tora Bora
and searching for "Waldo" is an illogical and dangerous proposition.
Iraq: a Diversion?
Kerry's teams have called the War in Iraq a diversion from the War on Terrorism. But what
is the War on Terrorism? Is it just to find cells in Tora Bora and elsewhere and bring
them to justice? Or is it a wider campaign to find and destroy the factory that produces
the cells? My question to the advisors is simple: What is the War on Terrorism? You must
first explain the global War on Terror so that you can argue that Iraq was and is a
"diversion" from your better plan? There is none.
So, it boils down to this equation: Bush teams had a plan, which can be discussed and
argued with and against. The fact is Kerry has no plans, except to attack Bush's decision
to go to Iraq. In deeper analysis, Kerry's argument that Iraq is a diversion from the
War on Terror is a greater diversion from the real War on the Factory of Jihad. In my
sense, there were five doors to open after Tora Bora. Bush opened one. He could have also
opened others. But Kerry and the critics didn't want to open any door at all.
Saddam is not threat?
They said Saddam had no weapons to threaten us yet. Indeed, in March of 2003 he had no
ballistic missiles installed in Cuba yet. But the word "yet" is the key here.
Saddam had WMDs before and should have been removed then. He used these weapons in Halabja
against the Kurds and should have been sanctioned then. By any standard of analysis, his
regime should have been removed by the United Nations then or by any willing coalition at
the earliest opportunity.
Unfortunately, Bush Senior was stopped by his own allies. Clinton's advisors, the ones
behind Kerry, stopped the U.S. from a regime change in Baghdad for a whole decade. Hence
when the Bush "W" Administration decided to remove Saddam, it was a late late
decision historically, but vital for the Iraqi people, the Middle East and the
international security. Kerry's academics and analysts haven't absorbed the greater
realities of the Baa'thist regime.
Unfortunately, the Bush Administration didn't detail the story further. Saddam's regime
had built a network of support among radical groups as far as Yemen, Sudan, Mauritania,
Lebanon and the Palestinian radicals. With past use of WMDs, and his strategic intention
of rebuilding and re-using, he was by far more dangerous than Colonel Cedras in Haiti or
even Milosevitch in Yugoslavia.
No connection to al Qaida?
Kerry's analysts said Saddam's regime has no connection whatsoever to al Qaida. Well,
campaigns sometimes stretch facts a little bit to score, politically. But bulldozing
history backward so that an argument is made is a grave historical sin. The Bush
Administration evaluation of these connections may have not been accurate, but the Kerry
assertions are out of touch with reality. The choice of words killed the Kerry argument,
which otherwise would have been acceptable for a debate.
Unfortunately, the all or nothing argument about the Saddam-al Qaida connection was
discredited because, obviously, there were contacts between these two entities.
Furthermore, there were contacts between other regimes and elements of al Qaida, to start
with past U.S training and knowledge of the Jihadists activities. The Saudi Kingdom
services had contacts, so did the Pakistanis and, obviously the Sudanese. To claim that
Saddam's services ignored the Jihadists and have never sat with them to sip coffee is a
sign of academic perversion. It is simple knowledge in the Arab world that Baghdad's
services were in contact with the Jihadi elements, including those who will be part of al
Qaida, and were exchanging expertise as to fight the U.S.
Critics claim that al Zarqawi was in the Kurdish areas, not in Baghdad. Well, certainly
so, because Saddam wanted to infiltrate and undermine the Kurdish areas under the no-fly
zone, not his own regime. That argument, alone, is indicative of the connection. Besides
Usama Bin Laden with his own voice- announced the "convergence of interest" as
late at February 2003 in an audio tape aired on al Jazeera.
Mass Graves not a case for intervention?
Most importantly, Kerry's advisors ignore the essence of the Iraq campaign: the genocidal
achievement of Saddam. While always on TV to detail the "Clinton Crusades" in
Bosnia and Kosovo, Kerry's spokespersons are strangely silent when it is about the Shiites
mass graves, or the massacres of the blacks of Sudan. The pro-Kerry intellectuals do not
consider the mass murder of more than 400,000 Arab Muslim Shiites, the ethnic cleansing of
tens of thousands of Kurds and Christian Assyro-Chaldeans as a case for intervention. Very
Statistics of death are ugly, but they count in political analysis. When Milosevich's
forces were held responsible for the killing of about 2,000 Kosovars, the Clinton advisors
and policy planning people rushed to mobilize the world, and rightly so. But during the
same decade, sometimes in the same year, Saddam's Fedayins were executing ten times these
numbers in southern or northern Iraq.
Kerry's foreign policy people have kept silent and opposed regime change in Baghdad. The
silence of the 1990s is responsible for the ethnocide committed by Saddam. Intervening in
Iraq was warranted since 1991, it was needed and legitimate in the 1990s, it was late when
it happened in 2003. If any criticism should be leveled against US policy, it is the fact
that it abandoned the Iraqi people for too long. Hence, to claim that regime change in
Iraq is not legitimate -at anytime possible- is equivalent to legitimize the genocide of
its people.
International Alliances
Another myth advanced in the national debate by experts in international relations, and
used by the Kerry campaign, is that the President ignored the world, marched alone and
refused to build the largest international alliance before he engaged in a War in Iraq. As
a slogan outside geopolitics, it is a fair statement. If you can muster an alliance, why
to go alone? But when you apply reality, the slogan melts away. It should have been
clarified to the public that international alliances are tools not objectives. If the goal
is to remove Saddam Hussein, the coalition will widen as much as other Governments are
willing to perform this action.
Back in 1991, the greatest coalition ever was assembled against Saddam's invasion of
Kuwait. France was fighting, Germany was supportive, Saudi Arabia was marching and even
Syria had sided with Washington. What more one could dream of? But as soon as allied
forces kicked the Baathist army out of Kuwait and crossed into Southern Iraq, our own
allies in this greater coalition pressured us not to continue to Baghdad. Neither Riyadh
nor Paris wanted a regime change.
For coalitions in international relations are about an issue not about a theoretical
construction or a diplomatic club. Hence, when the US strategic decision was to crumble
the Baa'th in Iraq, one would build the largest coalition possible to stay the course of
removing him, not a much wider one to lose the initial focus. In plain English, the
coalition of the willing can achieve goals, while the alliance of the unwilling defeats
Al Qaida's threat was not perceived
The most ironic argument I've heard, including during the 9/11 commission hearings was
that the Bush Administration failed to see the threat and to prepare for it. Richard
Clarke, who served under three Administrations, blasted his Government for not declaring
war on August 6, 2001, when he rushed with a memo warning from a possibility "that
some one may use planes to hit building." But Mr. Clarke found it normal that in
February 1998, three years before, the commander of al Qaida declared war against the U.S.
and vowed to kill millions of Americans, while no one in the previous White House lifted a
And when al Qaida blasted two embassies in Africa, Clarke, the former czar of
intelligence, said removing the Taliban then would have "created complications in
international relations." The Clinton-Kerry advisors told the 9/11 Commission that
Terrorism was under check until January 2001 then accordingly the new (Bush)
Administration simply blew it up. Historical reality is just the opposite: The Jihadists
moved against the U.S. as of 1992 and kept marching and pounding without any significant
counter-offensive. During the 9/11 hearings, former officials including the Terror Czar
Clarke, former Secretary of State Albright and former Secretary of Defense Cohen weren't
able to determine when Al Qaida was born, and if it was a threat of a national dimension.
Is Homeland Security a nuisance?
While one must admit that both candidates stress the importance of Homeland Security above
all other matters, the Kerry advisors and allies approach it as an exception to be
contained, rather than an institution to defeat the Terrorists' ideology. As someone who
reviewed literature pertaining to terror cases in the U.S., on behalf of the U.S.
Government, I saw how significant this present and future danger is: A whole generation of
al Qaida activists are in the making within our country. It is detected in the material
available to novices in all forms possible from books, audiotapes to internet web sites.
Sadly, many politicians close to Senator Kerry want to reverse the Patriot Act, the only
available tool to combat terrorism for now.
I would suggest a more powerful legislation that would target the terrorists and protect
civil rights. But Kerryâs legal advisors wish to undue the Patriot Act, hence
protecting the ideology that produces violence. Even with the current legislation, judges
and courts are barely able to define terror and the ideologies behind it. Juries have no
standards to use. If there is one realm where the terrorists can win, it is their
perception that the U.S. legal system can't try them properly. Unfortunately, while the
Bush Administration needs to do better and more in a second term, a Kerry Administration
will indeed, dismantle the last legal shield.Â
No return to September 10
One of the most telling statements of the Kerry campaign and allies is their promise to
bring America back to September 10, 2001, when terrorism was a so-called
"nuisance." Such thinking is indicative of a major difference between the camp
that was awoken by 9/11 and the one that is still asleep. The dividing line is not between
the two parties, but across them. In simple terms, there is no return to pre-9/11.
Some editorialists in the mainstream media fumed at the President when he stated that the
U.S. is not going back to pre-September 11. One of them raged at the idea. He said the
objective should be to return to that era. In historical reality, there won't be a return
to 9/11, nor to the days before. Everything has simply changed. I, for instance, long for
a day where the threats from before 9/11 will recess so that no gloomy days ever return.
What was before that date led to it: So I wouldn't want to go back to a dormant,
irresponsible America, but to a peaceful one, aware of the world's realities.
Are we winning?
If you are mistaken on the premises of the War on Terror, you wouldn't be able to know if
you are winning or losing. You would be winning, only if you know how to measure that
progress. By the criticsâ standards, every explosion in Iraq, every hostage
executed, every casualty, are indications of defeat. Many measure success in the War on
Terror with the silence on the fronts, a chilling reminder of the pre-9/11 era. Because it
seemed calm, analysts believed it was peaceful. If it is violent, they would qualify it of
But when you wage a war on the terrorists, would you expect them to take a leave of
absence? Winning is measured by the global results, not the clashes on the frontlines
otherwise Normandy and the Ardennes would have been massive defeats in 1944. Al Qaida
didn't crumble the U.S. on 9/11; the Taliban were removed and the Jihadists world
activities under pressure, the Saddam regime destroyed and the battles are taking place in
the Sunni Triangle in Iraq, not in Manhattan or in Marseilles.
Millions of Americans are mobilized in this war, despite the arguments of the old
political establishment. And more Middle Easterners are fighting the Jihadists. Is the war
being lost or won? If we stay the course, it will be won. If we don't, it could be lost.
The most important matter now, is that it should be fought, not halted, global, not
diverted into police fetching
My tiny contribution to the democratic process in this country, is to share views so that
this generation and future ones will get an additional chance for a better life. If we
wish to see all our children living in peace, including the unborn, the War against
Terrorism must be won. If we wish to protect the great socio-economic achievements of
generations of Americans, see progress and witness the enhancement of human rights around
the World, we must allow the policies of democracy to develop in the Middle East.
I do respect Senator Kerry for his commitment to public life and service, and I know that
many will grant him their vote for the Presidency, for different reasons. I know also that
many more will grant their vote to President Bush for another term, based on their global
and final evaluation. But regardless of my views expressed in these reflections on War and
Peace, on vision and choices, at the end of the day, Americans must attend their duty and
vote. I hope some readers would profit from my remarks. And whatever happens on November
2, 2004, the struggle for truth will continue
****Dr Walid Phares. Professor of Comparative Politics, Terrorism Analyst.