The Canadian Lebanese
Human Rights Federation

The Canadian Lebanese Human Rights Federation is a coalition of  Canadian and Canadian-Lebanese volunteers devoted to advocate the human rights cause in Lebanon. The prime mandate of the Federation is to help the Lebanese people in Lebanon and in the Diaspora to be able to defend and practice their basic human rights without fear of persecution or discrimination.

1- To maintain effective contacts and solid ties between the Canadian-Lebanese Community and the people of Lebanon by strengthening relationships between Canadian and Lebanese people.

2- To participate actively in preserving and maintaining broad Canadian multiculturalism through the promotion and preservation of the Lebanese culture, its heritage and values.

3- To encourage and foster the spirit and practice of democracy, tolerance, freedom, voluntarism and altruism among the members of the Canadian- Lebanese community.

4-To Support the endeavours of the Lebanese people, and other people in the world to defend and practice their human rights. The Federation hopes to provide education and advocacy in the areas of free speech, free choice of government, free practice of political rights, unrestricted belief and practice of religious rites, freedom of association, work and travel.

5-to help the Lebanese people, and other people as needed to live in their own countries with dignity, respect and freedom without fear, oppression, persecution or discrimination or foreign control.

8- Lobbying for a democratic Lebanese regime and government that shall respects the Human Rights of all Lebanese people, both, in Lebanon and in the Diaspora.

9- Working for the release of all those detainees in Lebanon and in other countries, detained because of their religious or political believes.

10- Co-ordinating and co-operating with other Canadian Human Rights, heritage, political, religious and multicultural, groups who lobby for similar mandates to the Federation.