Detainees in Syria,
Lebanese Citizens Illegally Detained in Syrian Prisons.

سنة الفين وستة
قضية: ألمفاتيح الزرق للسجون السوريّة/الكاتب قزحيا ساسين/مجلة النجوى – المسيرة 10 تشرين الأول

سنة الفين وخمسة
النائب غسان مخيبر وجه سؤالا الى الحكومة عن قضية المفقودين والمختفين وطالبها بتوضيح موقفها وسياساتها من اجل حل هذه القضية الانسانية/جلاء الحقائق سيمكن اللبنانيين من توظيفها ايجابا لتعزيز المصالحة/وطنية 14 نيسان
أمهات المعتقلين بَكَيْنَ في عيدهن وغازي عاد يعلن إننا نريدهم ولو كانوا أمواتا/ 22 أذار النهار
لن ننسى الشهداء الأحياء منهم والأموات
رسالة الى والدي/بقلم غسان سعود/النهار 20 أذار
إضغط هنا للإستماع لأغنية "شوية روح" المهداة إلى أمهات المعتقلين في السجون السوريَّة
في غياب الحضور الرسمي واقتصاره على ممثلين لسليمان وعون والتغيير والاصلاح الجيش يعيد الاعتبار الى الشهداء العشرة الذين سقطوا في 13 تشرين 1990/اللواء1990 أبو جمرة يقول لقد حققوا الاستقلال بدمائهم وسطّروا تاريخ لبنان الحر/بقلم بيار عطاالله من النهار 19 أذار
تشييع شهداء الجيش العشرة/وطنية 19 أذار

احتفال للتيار الوطني في خيمة امهات المعتقلين في السجون السورية والنائب غسان مخيبر عزى من واشنطن اهالي شهداء الجيش أما النائب سليم عون فاعتبر ان الاحتلال السوري زال صحيح لكن الممارسة بقيت كما هي/ الوكالة الوطنية 20 أذار
لجنة دعم القرار 1559 تدعو أعضاء من مجلس النواب اللبناني لحمل ملف المقابر الجماعية والتوجه إلى لاهاي/11 كانون الأول
المفقودين وقبورعنجر في صحف يوم الخميس 8 كانون الأول
الجيش اللبناني ينبش محيط دير القلعة والآبار المحيطة به بحثاً عن رفات والعمل احترافي أما النتيجة فصفر/النهار 10 كانون الأول
مؤتمر صحافي لأهالي المخطوفين والفقودين في اليوم العالمي لحقوق الانسان/وطنية10 كانون الأول
 قبور وابار عنجر في صحف الأربعاء 7 كانون الأول
كل ما نشر حول مقابر وأبار عنجر اليوم الثلاثاء 6 كانون الأول
ملف مقابر عنجر الجماعية/كل ما نشر يوم الاثنين 5 كانون الأول
حفرة وزارة الدفاع فتحت جروحاً عمرها خمسة عشرة سنة/أسماء العسكريين المفقودين على أيدي خوارج الداخل والمحتل البعثي البربري منذ العام 1990/البلد 12 تشرين الثاني

العثور على رفات11عسكرياً وراهبا لبنانيا في محيط وزارة الدفاع في اليرزة والأسماء ستعلن بعد اسبوعين بعد اجراء فحصوات طبية/ايلاف 13 تشرين الثاني
 مقابلة مع الناشط في حقوق الانسان السيد غازي عاد رئيس منظمة سوليد أجراها معه عبر الهاتف مسؤول لجنة الاعلام في المنسقية وتناول فيها أخر المستجدات المتعلقة بملف المعتقلين اللبنانيين اعتباطاً في السجون السورية/24 حزيران
إضغط هنا للإستماع للمقابلة

ميقاتي شكّل لجنة جديدة للمعتقلين اللبنانيين في سوريا والاهالي يرفضونها لإنها لا تخضع للمعايير الدولية/ من النهار 24 حزيران
معتقلون لبنانيون سابقون في السجون السورية يتذكرون أبشع أنواع التعذيب والإهانات التي تعرضوا لها  داخل السجون /السياسة 5 أيار
معتقلون لبنانيون في سورية/ ايلاف 2 أيار
أسبوعان على اعتصام أهالي المعتقلين في سوريا و160 اسما جديدا/ النهار 26 نيسان
 معتقلون لبنانيون في سورية/ ايلاف  الإثنين 18 نيسان

منظمة سوليد طلبت من الاتحاد الأوروبي إدراج ملف المعتقلين في مفاوضاته مع سوريا/ النهار 14 نيسان
أهالي المعتقلين في سوريا واصلوا اعتصامهم/ النهار 14 نيسان


English 2006
Mothers remember, Lebanon tries to forget-By Anthony Shadid-The Washington Post 5.1.06

English 2005
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Remains of 37 bodies exhumed in Lebanon (Anjar city) AP 4.12.05
Lebanon's PM caretaker assigns a new committee to probe in the Lebanese Arbitrarily detained in Syria, while their families cry foul and injustice/Daily Star 24.6.05
Renewed hope for Lebanese detainees languishing in Syria - Daily Star 12.5.05
In Syria, Lebanese detainees still languish. By Nicholas Blanford  21.4.05
Lebanese Families Yearn for News of Syria's Lebanese Prisoners By DEXTER FILKINS New York Times 5.4.05
SOLIDA: Open Letter to President Assad from the Family of Boutros Khawand (E) 23.3.05
Group appeals to West to free sons -Solide sends signature-covered flags to UN, U.S., france (Both Damascus and Beirut insist there are no Lebanese prisoners in Syrian jails) Daily Star (E) 2.2.05
Families of the Lebanese Detainees in Syria raise the matter to the UN office in Beirut (A) 30.1.05
Conference held by the Mothers of the Arbitrary Lebanese detainees in Syria (A) 27.1.05

Year 2004
redbul.gif (925 bytes)The Dilemma of the Lebanese detainees' in Syria (A) 30.12.04
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Red Cross officially recognizes it has no access to Syrian prisons (E)- Daily Star 30.12.04
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Syria bans the Red Cross from visiting its jails & delivering messages to Lebanese detainees from their relatives (A) 29.12.04
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Families of hundreds of arbitrary Lebanese detainees in Syrian Jails ask about their fate (A) 28.12.04
redbul.gif (925 bytes)List - Names- of the Lebanese Detainees in Syria (A) 18.11.04

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SOLIDA: Full report on the conference addressing Lebanese Detainees in Syria (A) Annahar 18.11.04
redbul.gif (925 bytes)SOLIDA: UN resolution sought to free Lebanese prisoners (From Syrian Jails) (E) - Daily Star 18.11.04
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Letter to President J. Chirac From SOLIDA (E & F) 15.10.04
redbul.gif (925 bytes)SOLIDE, Calls on Mr. Annan to address the Lebanese Detained arbitrarily in Syria's notorious jails in his report on UN Resolution 1559 (A) 30.9.04
redbul.gif (925 bytes)SOLIDA: Open Letter o Mr. Kofi Annan. The international community should not abandon the Lebanese detained in Syria (E & F) 24.9.04
redbul.gif (925 bytes)SOLIDE: Lebanese monks in Syrian jail (E) 23.6.04
redbul.gif (925 bytes)SOLIDA: Rapport sur la peine de mort au Liban (F) 11.6.04

redbul.gif (925 bytes)SOLIDA: Syria no longer knows who languishes in its prisons, and why! (F & E)14.5.04
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SOLIDA addresses the Syrian atrocities inflicted on Aktham Naisse (E & F) 28.4.04
redbul.gif (925 bytes)SOLIDA: Denounces Beirut's savage assault on Freedom of Demonstration (E) 9.4.04
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Detailed (Annahar-A) Report addressing the students' demonstration & the physical assaults by the Lebanese police 8.4.04
redbul.gif (925 bytes)SOLIDE: Issue of detainees in Syria 'a tragedy' (E) 6.4.04
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Joint release denouncing the on going Syrian detention of Lebanese arbitrary prisoners (A) 6.4.04
redbul.gif (925 bytes)SOLIDA: Welcomes the UN report on the detainees in Syria(A) 24.3.04

redbul.gif (925 bytes)SOLIDA: An NGO and a journalist in the firing line E & F) 16.2.04
redbul.gif (925 bytes)SOLIDE: Responds to Bakradoun's lies (A) 5.2.04
redbul.gif (925 bytes)SOLIDE: Release all the Lebanese detainees in Syria (A) 29.1.04

YEAR 2003
redbul.gif (925 bytes)SOLIDA: New Campaign for the Release of George Chalaweet E & F) 18.11.03
redbul.gif (925 bytes)International Committee for detainees: Boutrous Khawand is in Syria (A) 8.10.03
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Detainees List N.Nayouf handed to Patriarch Sfier (A) 3.10.03
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Nezar Nayouf's letter to Patriarch Sfier (A) 1.9.03
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SOLIDA: Deterioration of Human Rights n Lebanon (E &F) 30.9.03
redbul.gif (925 bytes)SOLIDE: Release Dr. Mughraby immediately (A) 23/8/03
redbul.gif (925 bytes)SOLIDA condemns the arrest of Dr. Mohammed Mughraby (E) 13.8.03
redbul.gif (925 bytes)SOLIDA: Open letter to the Syrian Minister of Interior (E.F) 7.7.03
redbul.gif (925 bytes)SOLIDA: Addresses the death of Joseph Hwaith (F.E) 30.6.03
redbul.gif (925 bytes)SOLIDE: Lebanese arbitrary detainee, Joseph Hwaith, died in the Syrian jails on 25/6/03 (Arabic) 29.6.03
redbul.gif (925 bytes)SOLIDA: Addresses arbitrary arrests in Lebanon (English & French) 23.5.03
redbul.gif (925 bytes)SOLIDA: Addresses the arrest of Hanna Challita (English-French) 16.5.03
redbul.gif (925 bytes)SOLIDA: Addresses the case of the Lebanese detainees in Iraq. (English & French) 10.5.03
redbul.gif (925 bytes)SOLIDA: Urges the USA to secure the release of Lebanon's arbitrary detainees in Syria (Arabic) 4.5.03
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SOLIDA: Is the departing government capable of one last humane act? (English) 20.4.03
redbul.gif (925 bytes)SOLIDA: The Moussa Sader Case 6.4.03

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SOLIDA: The Lebanese government is not serious about the detainees dilemma (English) 12/3/03
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Open Letter to Syrian President Bashar El-Assad From SOLIDA
(English &French)
March 2/03

redbul.gif (925 bytes)The Arbitrary Detention of the Lebanese Citizen Georges Ayoub CHALAWEET in Syria
(English - French) 29.1.03

redbul.gif (925 bytes)SOLIDA: Addresses the Lebanese Detainees'   misery in Syria (English) 25.1.03
redbul.gif (925 bytes)SOLIDA: Addresses the Lebanese Detainees'  misery in Syria (French) 24.1.03

YEAR 2002
redbul.gif (925 bytes)SOLIDA: What about the Lebanese detained in Syria jails? (English) 12.12.02
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Communiqué SOLIDA / 54è Anniversaire DUDH / Détenus en Syrie (French) 12.12.02
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Bonnie, Lebanon's Martyr (English). By: SOLID  31.11.02
redbul.gif (925 bytes)SOLIDA: La lettre suivante a été adressée aux participants à la conférence d'aide internationale au Liban, dite " Paris II", qui aura lieu 23.11.02
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SOLIDA: Le Hezbollah procèderait à des arrestations arbitraires 21.11.02
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SOLIDE: Addresses the latest hardships in regards to the Lebanese detained arbitrarily in Syrian jails 12.11.02
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Press Release from SOLIDA (Arabic) 8.11.02
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Press Release from SOLIDA (French) 7.11.02
redbul.gif (925 bytes)SOLIDA'S Letter to Syrian President (French) 2.11.02
redbul.gif (925 bytes)SOLIDE addresses the arbitrary detainment in Syria (French) 19.10.02
redbul.gif (925 bytes)SOLIDA: Stop the brutal assault against Lebanon's students (French) 17.10.02
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Report: Syrian horrible atrocities on October 13/1990 (Arabic) 15.10.02

redbul.gif (925 bytes)SOLIDE addresses the arbitrary Lebanese detainees in Syria (Arabic) 15.10.02
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Press release fron SOLIDA (French) 12.10.02
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Cain & Abel. By: Free World Youth – Lebanon 16.9.02
redbul.gif (925 bytes)SOLIDA- Initiatives dans le dossier des Libanais detenus en Syrie 24.7.02
redbul.gif (925 bytes)SOLIDA: Libanais detenus en Syrie + affaire Hindi (French) 22.7.02
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Lebanese Detainees in Syria- Where to ? (Arabic) 20.7.02
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Release from SOLIDA addressing detainees in Syria 5.6.02
redbul.gif (925 bytes)SOLIDA: Arbitrary detention of hundreds of Lebanese in Syrian jails 28.5.02
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Release from SOLIDA 9.5.02
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Release from SOLIDA (French) 30.3.02
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Release from SOLIDA 10.3.02
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Release from SOLIDA addressing Lebanese detainees's crisis in Syria 7.2.02
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Release from SOLIDA regarding Hana Chalita's detention 22.1.02
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Release from SOLIDA  19.1.02

YEAR 2001
redbul.gif (925 bytes)October 13 -Release from SOLIDA (French) 13.10.01
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SOLIDA: Hundreds of Lebanese detainees are still in Syrian Jails (Arabic) 18.7.01
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SOLIDA: Responds to Assad's mockeries (Arabic) 5.7.01
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Release from SOLIDA (French) 4.7.01

redbul.gif (925 bytes)SOLIDA: Palmyra Jail, Syria, 30 Ways of torturing detainees (Arabic) 3.7.01
redbul.gif (925 bytes)SOLIDA: Palmyra Jail, Syria, 30 Ways of torturing detainees (English) 22.6.01
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Release from SOLIDA addressing Leb. Detainees in Syria (French) 30.5.01
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Release from SOLIDA addressing Leb. Detainees in Syria (French) 29.5.01
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Release from SOLIDE addressing detainees in Syria (Arabic) 12.1.01
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Testimony (Lebanese detainee released from Syrian jails-Arabic) 2.9.01
redbul.gif (925 bytes)SOLIDA: Palmyra Jail, Syria, 30 Ways of torturing detainees (Arabic) 3.7.01

redbul.gif (925 bytes)Detainees in Syria (Arabic-Report) 23.6.01
redbul.gif (925 bytes)New report on the detainees in Syria (Arabic) 20.4.01

redbul.gif (925 bytes)UN report on Detainees in Syria (Arabic) 12.4.01
redbul.gif (925 bytes)New report on Lebanese detainees 3.4.01
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Report on the Lebanese detainees in Syria (Arabic) 3.4.01

redbul.gif (925 bytes)Report on Lebanese detainees in Syria (Arabic) 17.3.01
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Amesty International & the Lebanese detainees in Syria 22.2.01
redbul.gif (925 bytes)SOLIDE'S latest names list for detainees in Syrian jails 18.2.01

YEAR 2000
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Syrian list for Lebanese citizens still detained in its Nazi-like jails (English) 16/12/00
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Detainees' families sit in (Arabic) 15/12/00
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Regime's falsified stance addressing the detainees(Arabic) 15/12/00
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Arabic Reports from Human Rights Watch Organization (CLICK HERE)
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Names of the 54 detainees released from the Syrian jails on 12/12/00 (English)
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Release from MIRSAD (Arabic)  addressing detainee release 8/12/00
redbul.gif (925 bytes) List of the Lebanese detained in Syrian jails (English) Click here
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Names of Lebanese soldiers detained arbitrarily in Syria (Arabic) 8/12/00
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Names of 265 Lebanese citizens detainees arbitrarily in Syria (Arabic) 8/12/00
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Report (Arabic) on the Detainees in Syria 1/10/2000
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Release from SOLIDE addressing the detainees' (in Syrian jails) crisis 31/12/00 (Arabic)
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Release from SOLIDE addressing the detainee case 21/12/00 (Arabic)
redbul.gif (925 bytes)International Federation for Human Rights:
The detainee file can't be closed (Arabic) 18/12/00
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Release from SOLIDA addressing detainees (English) 18.12.00
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Release from SOLIDA addressing detainees (French) 17.12.00
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Release on detainees from SOLIDA (French) 9/12/00

redbul.gif (925 bytes)Release from SOLIDA addressing Leb. detainees in Syria (French) 6/12.00
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New release from SOLIDA addressing detainees in Syria (Arabic) 28/11/00
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Release from SOLIDA addressing Lebanon's detainees in Syria (English) 26/11/00
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Release from Solida addressing detainees in Syria (Arabic) 20/11/00
redbul.gif (925 bytes)UN: Syria is still detaining a Lebanese soldier arbitrarily since 1988 1/11/00 (Englishc)
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Letter (Arabic) from five Human Rights organizations to the Syrian President 20/10/2000
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Release from SOLIDA on detainees in Syria jails (Arabic) 25/9/00
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SOLIDA calls on Assad to release 3 Lebanese musicians (Arabic) 10/9/00
redbul.gif (925 bytes)A letter from SOLIDA to Bachar Assad  (Arabic) 26/8/2000
redbul.gif (925 bytes)A letter from SOLIDA to Bassar Assad  (French) 25/8/2000
redbul.gif (925 bytes)A new release from SOLIDA on Detainees in Syria (Arabic) 23/8/00
redbul.gif (925 bytes)The Detainees in Syria, a Human Rights atrocity (Arabic) 18/8/2000
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The Detainees in Syria, a Human Rights atrocity (Arabic) 18/8/2000
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Read this release from Solida addressing the Detainees, missing and kidnapped dilemma (Arabic) 7/8/2000
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Release from Solida on the detainees in Syria (Arabic) 28/7/2000
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Release (French) from Solida 28/6/2000
redbul.gif (925 bytes) Release from SOLIDA on S. Lebanon (English) 27/5/2000

Year 1999
redbul.gif (925 bytes) Press release from SOLIDA on the Lebanese detainees (Arabic) 30/12/1999
redbul.gif (925 bytes) Press release from SOLIDA on the Lebanese detainees (English) 30/12/1999
redbul.gif (925 bytes) Press release from SOLIDA on the Lebanese detainees (French) 30/12/1999
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Press release on the arrest of Walid Achkar from SOLIDA(French) 3/12/1999

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Press release by SOLIDA (French) 25/10/1999 (Ajouri crime)
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Press release by SOLIDA (English) 25/10/1999 (Ajouri crime)
redbul.gif (925 bytes)Press release by SOLIDA (French) 8/6/1999
redbul.gif (925 bytes)A letter from SOLIDA to President Clinton (French) 25/3/2000
redbul.gif (925 bytes)SOLIDA open letter to General Lahoud regarding the Army officer .K.Hayek case (French) 6/5/99
redbul.gif (925 bytes)SOLIDA open letter to Patriarch Sfier and President Chirac (Arabic) 1/3/1999
redbul.gif (925 bytes)SOLIDA open letter to Patriarch Sfier and President Chirac (French) 1/3/1999

redbul.gif (925 bytes)SOLIDA, Letter to General Lahoud on Lebanese detainees in Syria 30/12/1998


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