WLCU Media Release
26th November 2004
Office of the President -www.wlcu.org
Email: joebaini @ hotmail.com

The World Lebanese Cultural Union (WLCU) an International Non Governmental Organization (INGO) being the official representative of all Lebanese throughout the Diaspora is more than delighted at the quality and loyalty of our executive personnel.
It is of little wonder to me, that the hugely successful performance of the WLCU, having reached the most powerful places on earth and achieved the very much sought after UNSCR 1559, is causing concern for the opponents of Lebanon’s Sovereignty, Independence and Democratic Freedoms.
Those tyrannical dictators and their puppets completely under estimated the desire of the people of Lebanon in the Diaspora and our analytical and political strength, all of which have been and will continue to be employed in the struggle for full restoration of Lebanon’s Sovereignty and Independence.
The WLCU, in its unprecedented success, is quickly becoming an institution of which everyone must take notice; and obviously they are.
We are now an equal player in the future make up of the political landscape in Lebanon. Our network of top quality officers spans the four corners of the globe; and is in fact proving to be more able to negotiate with impact and productivity than either Syria or its Puppet regime in Lebanon.
The question which begs asking is, How did the WLCU become so effective, so quickly?
The answer of course is that the Executive Board of the WLCU is absolutely loaded with experienced, talented, enthusiastic and proven performers. The administrative Board is equally powerful. The combination of which has seen the creation of an incredibly effective and productive team, all working under the planning and direction of one of the most brilliant Lebanese minds in the Diaspora, Professor Walid Phares.
Above everything else, Dr Walid Phares is totally loyal to the restoration of Sovereignty to the people of Lebanon. He is enormously talented and capable in the field of politics. His success as an astute political analyst and perfection in his approach to performance, speak volumes of his professionalism.
Dr Walid Phares is the epitome of what most people aspire to be. Those who are critical of him look at him with much envy, wishing that they could in some part measure to a small portion of his ability.
The WLCU is extremely proud of all its officers and in particular Dr Walid Phares
who shall continue to lead the drive forward in the WLCU.
Joseph P Baini
World President