PRESS RELEASE September 8th, 2002


Washington DC,

We the American Maronite Union express our deep concerns with Ambassador David Satterfield's "lobbying" against the Syrian Accountability Act both in the United States and in Lebanon.

With all our personal respect to Mr. Saterfield's long and professional career at the US State Department, we believe that his campaign against the above mentioned bill not only is in conflict with US national interests in the Middle East, but increases the risks of Terror against the American society. In addition, the Lebanese-American community feels extremely frustrated with the action undertaken by US officials who further endangers the rights and the survival of the civil society in Lebanon.


1) Mr. Satefield, as a Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for the Middle East has been leading a relentless campaign against the passing of the bill by pushing forward the following arguments:

a. "The President's hands will be tied in his campaign against Terrorism."
We believe that as long as Syria occupies Lebanon and provides safe haven to major Terrorist organizations, the US hands will be tied in their quest for anti-Terrorism initiatives.

b. "Syria is helping the U.S against al-Qaida"

We believe that Syria's sharing of intelligence about Bin Laden's group in Lebanon aims at forcing the US to allow Syria's occupation of Lebanon. That occupation is precisely responsible for the growth of Hizbollah and of the latter's protegees, including al-Qaida.

c. "Syria can inflame the Arab-Israeli conflict if we pressure it

This is precisely why Syria's involvement with Terrorism and its ability to enflame the region has to be dealt with, the sooner the better.

d. "Syria will help us on Iraq"

It has been established that Syria is the main player behind the unsuccessful attempts by the Administration to muster Arab support against Saddam's regime.

Hence, it is clear that these arguments clearly contradict US real interests in the region and undermines America's war on Terrorism. But above all, such argumentation serves the interests of the Syrian regime and its occupation and brutalizing of Lebanon.


We deplore the moral pressures Mr. Saterfield is putting on Lebanon's civil society during his visit to Lebanon. His multiple declarations made in public aims at discouraging Lebanon's citizens in their quest for freedom and democracy. Mr. Saterfield insistence that President Bush is against the bills and will oppose them on the grounds mentioned above is projected to have a devastating effect on the hopes among Lebanese that the US Congress is finally coming to their rescue. 

We consider Mr. Saterfield statements and declarations in Lebanon as a pressure applied on the country's civil society and through it a move aimed at undermining the Lebanese-American support to the bills. We unfortunately view such attitude as a stubborn attempt to maintain Lebanon under Syria's tutelage, a policy followed by Mr. Saterfield and the State Department Arabists since years.

We firmly believe that any US policy which facilitate Syria's occupation of Lebanon and its protection of Terrorism has been and would be responsible for encouraging terrorist acts against the United States, including on September 11.

We therefore urge the State Department officials not to engage in psychological and political weakening of Lebanon's determination to free itself from Syrian occupation. We also resent the support to that occupation, as Mr. Saterfield advocates it, under the alleged arguments, which we have responded to in this release.