2d Session
H. CON. RES. 363
Expressing the grave concern of Congress regarding the continuing gross violations of
human rights and civil liberties of the Syrian people by the Government of the Syrian Arab
February 11, 2004
Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN (for herself, Mr. BLUNT, Mr. ENGEL, Mr. ACKERMAN, Mr. SMITH of New
JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia, Mr. BURTON of Indiana, Ms. BERKLEY, and Mr. LANTOS) submitted
the following concurrent resolution; which was referred to the Committee on International
Expressing the grave concern of Congress regarding the continuing gross violations of
human rights and civil liberties of the Syrian people by the Government of the Syrian Arab
Whereas the Syrian Arab Republic is governed by an authoritarian regime which, according
to the 2003 Department of State Report on Human Rights Practices, continues to commit
serious human rights abuses, including `the use of torture' and `arbitrary arrest and
Whereas hundreds of political prisoners in Syria have never been tried for any offense, in
violation of Article 9 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (General Assembly
resolution 217 A (III) of December 10, 1948);
Whereas the 2003 Department of State Human Rights Report states that Syria `significantly
restricts freedom of speech and of the press', that `freedom of assembly does not exist
under the law', and that `the Government restricted freedom of association';
Whereas a recent press law enacted in September 2001 permits Syria to arbitrarily deny or
revoke publishing licenses for such vague reasons as `related to the public interest', and
compels privately owned media sources to submit all material to government censors for
Whereas Syrian authorities have arrested two journalists for writing articles published in
Lebanese newspapers criticizing Syria;
Whereas foreign media correspondents have been expelled from Syria for reporting that runs
contrary to what is officially sanctioned by Syria;
Whereas Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights declares: `Everyone has
the right to freedom of opinion and _expression; this right includes freedom to hold
opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas
through any media and regardless of frontiers.';
Whereas Article 20 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: `Everyone has the
right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.';
Whereas Human Rights Watch reports that Syria maintains its `pressure on the country's
fragile human rights movement through a combination of intimidation, criminal prosecution
of leading activists, and imprisonment';
Whereas Amnesty International has reported that the security forces of Syria are targeting
emerging human rights organizations in Syria in an apparent attempt to intimidate those
organizations into ceasing their work in Syria;
Whereas attorneys in Syria working with these Syrian human rights organizations have
reportedly been harassed and persecuted by the government-controlled bar association,
which works closely with the ruling Ba'ath Party and the government security forces;
Whereas the criminal law of Syria allows for the acquittal of an accused rapist if the
suspect marries the victim;
Whereas the criminal law of Syria provides for reduced sentences in cases of `honor'
Whereas the family law of Syria as applied to Muslim women is governed by Sharia (Islamic)
law and is discriminatory in marriage, divorce, and inheritance matters;
Whereas Article 7 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: `All are equal
before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the
Whereas the infringement by Syria on human rights and civil liberties extends into the
Lebanese Republic, which it continues to occupy in violation of United Nations Security
Council resolutions;
Whereas Human Rights Watch, in its 2003 World Report, stated that: `Political activists in
Lebanon continued to demand the withdrawal of all Syrian forces from the country and
organized demonstrations throughout the year, many of which the internal security forces
dispersed forcibly';
Whereas nongovernmental organizations in Lebanon continue their efforts to discover the
fate of the nearly 200 `disappeared' Lebanese citizens believed to have been the victims
of arbitrary detention or `disappearance' by the Syrian authorities; and
Whereas Freedom House, in its Special Report to the 59th Session of the United Nations
Commission on Human Rights in 2003, classified Syria as `One of the World's Most
Repressive Regimes' for its severe repression of political and civil liberties and its
egregious violations of human dignity: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That Congress--
(1) condemns the numerous violations of fundamental human rights by the Government of the
Syrian Arab Republic;
(2) calls on the international community to adopt a resolution at the upcoming 60th
Session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights which details the dismal human
rights record of Syria and establishes a Special Rapporteur to further investigate these
(3) expresses its support for the people of Syria in their daily struggle for freedom,
respect for human rights and civil liberties, democratic self-governance, and the
establishment of the rule of law;
(4) encourages the President and the Secretary of State, acting through the Middle East
Partnership Initiative (managed by the Department of State) and other avenues, to reach
out to dissidents, human rights activists, and the pro-democracy opposition in Syria, and
to assist them in their efforts; and
(5) urges the adoption and pursuit of these and other policies to seek a democratic
government in Syria that will--
(A) restore freedom to the people of Syria;
(B) cease the illegal occupation by Syria of the Lebanese Republic;
(C) abandon support for terrorism by Syria; and
(D) live in peace and security with the international community.