Guardians of the Cedars Australian Directorate
Commenting on the recent prosecution of members and leaders of the Party, the Australian
Directorate of the Party of the Guardians of the Cedars National Lebanese Movement,
issued the following communiqué:
it mot for the persistent practice of the so-called Authority in its rashness, tyranny,
distortion of facts and aggression against notable Lebanese, we would have preferred not
to respond.
It is notorious in
It is also notorious in
It is also notorious that the prosecution and the sentences are dictated by
It is also notorious that the Administration has cultivated this arbitrary procedure not
only to satisfy its bosses in
All this is notorious, but what the present Authority does not know is that these
persistent acts of tyranny against the members and leaders of the Opposition are the clear
indication of the state of fear and hallucination in which it is floundering. They will
result only in weakening her and isolating her more, and gives at the same time the
Opposition more power and resolve.
And what the present Authority does not know is that the oppression of a whole population
and the jailing of its youth will certainly turn against her when Wrong collapses and
Right prevails, and it seems that the fatidic moment is close at hand!
And what the present Authority also does not know is that the methods of oppression,
however cruel, tyrannical and varied they are, they will never bridle
We have a few more words to say to this so-called Administration: If we are charged with
resisting Syrian occupation and its consequence, it is for us a matter of honor which we
accept proudly with all the sacrifice it entails... And if patriotism means the
subordination to that occupation, then we are innocent of this patriotism and will
continue to militate against this occupation until it is expunged.
And to Mr. Habib Younes we say: We salute you, dear comrade and present you with
our warmest condolences for the passing away of your father. We stand firm with you,
uphold you and assure you that, in your little jail, you incarnate Freedom, Greatness and
Dignity to their full extent... Whereas they, in their big jail, incarnate Servitude,
Pettiness and Ignominy.