The World Council of the Cedars Revolution
29th July 2010

Press Release
WCCR Appointments in Lebanon
In an atmosphere of uncertainty of the security of sovereignty, independence and democratic rights and freedoms of the people of Lebanon; and as a consequence of which, we see a restless civil society demanding effective representation in the struggle of regaining their national stability and true values, The World Council of the Cedars Revolution (WCCR) is embarking on an expansion national development program for Lebanon and is therefore delighted to announce the appointment of two new executives in Lebanon whose mission is to work on mobilizing Lebanon’s civil society and help to reinstate its integrity amongst nations.
The two positions filled are as follows;
1 – WCCR National Director for Lebanon
Civil Engineer Kamal El Batal
Civil Engineer Kamal El Batal is a Lebanese Management Consultant with international exposure. He is an existing Washington based executive with the WCCR as Director of the Human Rights Portfolio, a responsibility he will retain in his new position.
As National Director of the WCCR Lebanon, he brings to the table a wealth of experience particularly in the following areas;
-Researcher at the Mashrek International Institute
-Co-founder and director of MIRSAD
-Co-founder of Liberty House and is secretary to the campaign for Judicial Integrity
-Research Associate with Professor Walid Phares for the last six years, attending seminars in the European Union and the United States Congress.
-Managing Director of several consulting and trading companies in the Middle East and Europe.

2 – WCCR Coordinator for Lebanon
Attorney Regina Kantara
-Attorney at Law, Social and Political Activist, Regina Kantara is totally dedicated to the protection and preservation of Lebanon’s sovereignty, independence and democratic freedoms. Educated for eighteen years in Tripoli North Lebanon, in a school where Muslim and Christian girls studied the same books and shared the same aspirations.
-Achieved her Masters Degree in French and Lebanese Law at Saint Joseph University of Beirut, where she cemented her belief beyond doubt that sovereignty, independence, liberty and democracy are the fundamentals of the existence of all nations.
-One of only eleven Lebanese women who nominated for the 2009 parliamentary election, Regina’s campaign centered on national identity, the protection of borders and territories, the security of civil society, equal opportunities and equal rights for all the people of Lebanon.
The WCCR believes very strongly, that in the appointment of Kamal and Regina, we have the nucleus of a strong leadership team who will undoubtedly attract many more loyal and willing activists to the service of our beloved Lebanon.

Joseph P Baini

Tom Harb
Secretary General