A daring Syrian letter to President Chirac

Nayyouf: 1,500 Lebanese Buried in Tadmor Mass Grave
Syrian journalist Nizar Nayyouf revealed in an open letter to French President Jacques Chirac the existence of mass graves in Tadmor in which 13,000 to 17,000 prisoners lie including around 1,500 Lebanese. Nayyouf, who came out of a questioning by his country's secret service, sent an open letter to President Chirac on the occasion of Syrian President Bashar Assad's visit to France.
The following is an English transliteration of Nayyouf's letter:
"President Jacques Chirac
I would firstly like to thank you and the French government for the noble and responsible stance you took regarding my personal case, especially in the last couple of months.On the occasion of President Assad's visit to France, a visit we hope to be constructive for our two peoples, I hope the issue of the human rights in my country would be a top priority on the agenda, especially regarding political prisoners, and the issue of the mass grave related to the Tadmor jail containing bodies of around 13,000 to 17,000 political prisoners who perished because of torture in jail (around 1500 Lebanese, in addition to Syrians, Jordanians, Palestinians…).
Mr. President
I was released on May 6 and I am under house arrest, prevented from travelling abroad, and namely France, to receive medical treatment.
I suffer from partial paralysis due to the monstrous torture I went through during my incarceration from January 2, 1992 to May 6, 2001, in addition to other diseases.
I hope you pursue your noble efforts to solve these issues.
Rest assured that our people has great hopes for the visit and especially in facing Syria's 'old guard' who is always trying to hinder President Bashar's program."