Christian Coalition International (Canada) Inc.

March 28/2005

Editorial Comment: A disturbing report was received from our Pakistani Christian Friends at the Christian Liberation Front of Canada indicating a despicable terrorist attack on Sunday worshippers during a church service in Khahamba Village near Lahore, Pakistan.
CCIC condemns this despicable act of violence directed against defenceless Christian worshippers and asks the Pakistani Government to guarantee freedom of religion for Christians of all denominations in peace and security. Judaeo-Christian principles need to be respected by all nations to ensure equal treatment for Christians the world over and allow for the free exercise of religion for Christians and non-Christians alike.
CCIC will ask the Canadian Government to denounce this senseless act of violence perpetrated by radical fundamentalists.
To donate financially in support of the Christian Community in Khahamba Village, Pakistan, please go to our website noted above and click on the donation button. Please designate any donations appropriately as "Khahamba Village" in the comments field. All donations over $ 10.00 will re receipted.

"Dear brothers & Sisters
Few gun men attacked worshipers attending Easter mass at Apostolic Church, Khahamba Village near Lahore, Pakistan in which one worshipper Arshad Masih died and seven other seriously wounded.
The incident took place on Easter Sunday, March 27, 2005 at 10:30am when few armed men suddenly appeared and sprayed bullets with automatic guns on the worshippers, who were about to leave the Church after Easter mass service. The attackers escaped leaving worshipers in pool of blood, while other worshippers helped wounded victims to reach hospital.
APMA representatives at Lahore were informed about the incident by few worshippers. A team of APMA immediately reached the site of incident and assisted victims.
Team of APMA met Pastor Riaz Rehmat, Anwar Masih (Councillor), Dr. Saleem Masey and other Christians of the area and collected the facts as below:
According to the facts, Khahmaba is a village located at Riwand Road near Lahore. This village has total population of more than 200 families out of which 50 families are Christians and rest that of Muslims. Christians of the area built a Church “Apostolic Churchâ€‌ at a part of Christian graveyard land many years ago. Few Muslim extremist elements having links to land Mafia several times intimidated local Christians to close the Church. Subsequently these Muslims confiscated a part of Christian graveyard illegally, on which Christians of the area complaint to local authorities that infuriated perpetrators. The culprits continued to close the Church and give the land to them but the Christians refuse to close the Church.
The Christians of the area are harassed and terrorised. Seven wounded worshipers are admitted in Hospital at Lahore Police arrested two culprits while others are still at large.
Christians of the area are protesting on this tragic incident and act of terrorism. APMA has informed the government higher authorities about the tragic incident and have asked for immediate intervention. This is an act of terrorism which created sense of insecurity among the Christians.
Kindly pray for the recovery of wounded worshippers and security of Christians in the area. We will continue to inform you on further developments.

Christian Coalition International (Canada) Inc.
P.O. Box 6013, Station A
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M5W 1P4
Phone nr. 1-905-824-6526
Phone nr. 1-905-824-6526
Media Relations: 416-622-1045
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